Saturday, November 5, 2011

[TRANS] Boyfriend Twitter Update

Boyfriend Members Donghyun and Minwoo posted an Update via their Official Boyfriend's Twitter Account. Check out the tweets below:

[B.F:민우] 수능이 이제 조금밖에 안남았아요 수험생분들 모두 대박나세요~~찰싹붙어랑ㅎㅎ 찹쌀떡에 풀칠하면 떨어질수가 없겠죠?다들 조금만 더 힘내세요~!!

[B.F:Minwoo] There’s very little time left until you have take the SAT, candidates please do well~~ Stick while going through the examㅎㅎ You won’t be dropped from the list* if you are as sticky as glutinous rice cakes right? Everyone please work hard~!!

— Minwoo via Boyfriend's Official Twitter Account [Translation (c) boyfriend-champion @ Tumblr] 

[B.F:동현] 수험생 여러분! 수능이 이제 일주일 남았어요. 잘푸세요 얍!!! 호ㅏ이팅 !!!!!!!!!!!!

[B.F:Donghyun] High school seniors! There’s one week left till the SAT. Relax well!!! Fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!

—Donghyun via Boyfriend's Official Twitter Account [Translation (c) boyfriend-champion @ Tumblr] 

Source(s): Boyfriend's Official Twitter Account, Translation; boyfriend-champion @ Tumblr